Home Bread-Bakers v111.n024.3

Re: stretch and fold

Lloyd Davis <ldavis47@msn.com>
Mon, 6 Jun 2011 16:56:46 -0400
Stretch and Fold is like aspirin: it cures many problems:

Mike Avery has a very nice description of the technique on his web 
site. My only comment is that I wait usually 10 to 15 minutes between 
folds and do total of 5 over 1 hour. The dough will tell you when it 
is ready. If the strands tear, it is too early.

Breads with whole grains (rye, wheat, spelt, etc) need more kneading 
compared to white. The stretch and fold works great.

Problems with arthritis in the wrists. The stretch and fold is easy 
to do and gives a magnificent bread.

Wet dough hard to handle. The stretch and fold is quicker and less 
aggravating than traditional knead.

I am all for the stretch and fold - especially since I do not want to 
invest in an expensive mixer.
