Home Bread-Bakers v104.n006.20

Bread Bible Corrections

Reggie Dwork <reggie@jeff-and-reggie.com>
Thu, 22 Jan 2004 13:42:43 -0800

The Bread Bible: in the rye bread recipe on page 326, on the flour mixture 
chart, the 2 1/4 cups bread flour weigh 12.3 ounces / 351 grams, and step 
#2: eliminate the words 'rye flour'. (Rye flour is used only in the sponge 
on page 325.

In Brinna's Pugliese on page 347, the water should be 6 tablespoons (not 

In the Golden Semolina Torpedo on page 366, step #2: ... whisk together ALL 
BUT 1/4 cup of the durum flour.

In the Cranberry-Banana-Walnut Quick Bread, page 101, the correct baking 
temperature is 350 degrees F.

In the Sourdough Rye on page 454, Hand Method, use the same amount of 
starter as is on the chart above (1 1/2 cups).

In the Sourdough Pumpernickel on page 462 (Mixer Method and Hand Method) 
use the same amount of start as is on the chart on page 461 (1 cup plus 2 

CANADIAN FLOUR: Canadian unbleached all-purpose and Canadian bread flour 
perform well in my yeast bread recipes. For quick breads using butter, 
however, it is necessary to use bleached all purpose flour or the center of 
the bread will fall and have a gloppy texture on cooling. For more 
information or specific questions regarding Canadian flour/brands and 
baking, you can contact editors@betterbaking.com