Home Bread-Bakers v097.n062.8

Of yeast and soda

Mike the Crow <enkidu@mail.utexas.edu>
Sun, 12 Oct 1997 11:20:26 -0500
>You're a little confused.  Soda bread and the biscuits you posted have more
>in common with quick breads than with yeast breads in that the first three
>are leavened with baking soda.

Of this difference I know much. I was simply pointing out a lamentable
situation that has convinced much of the populace that flavorful,
hetrogeneous bread must be a grand family reunion for the scattered members
of the sugar cane diaspora, as well as something that would earn a personal
commendation from the dairy board. However, if you could explain for me the
difference between quick and soda breads I would be happily obliged.
Upon rereading, I do see how my posting blurs the yeast-chemical leavening
distinction, but I think the texture and flavor aspects of bread do make an
equally useful spectrum on which to characterize baked flour substances.
