Home Bread-Bakers v111.n013.4


Tue, 22 Mar 2011 02:49:03 -0400 (EDT)
Theresa asked:  "How does one figure out how much to reduce the yeast?"

Shortly after I started baking bread, I found Elizabeth David's book 
on English Bread on a remainder table at Famous and Barr (no longer 
in existence).  Using her basic bread recipe, I only put one-half 
tsp. of yeast in the dough and put it in a very cool room 
overnight.  That loaf was the best tasting bread I had made at that point.

I'm sure you'll get better answers from other list members more 
knowledgeable than I, but after that experience, I started using less 
yeast than called for and giving the dough 2, and sometimes 3 rising 
periods.  My bread actually had flavor after that.

in southern Illinois