Home Bread-Bakers v101.n043.5


Mike <mikes_room@yahoo.com>
Sun, 2 Sep 2001 09:29:41 -0700 (PDT)
I live in South Florida and Albertson's supermarkets carry KAF All
Purpose, Self Rising, White Whole Wheat and Special Bread flours. I mail
order their Cake flour and there Mild Pastry flours, but shipping all that
weight is a killer. No stores carry these types yet. I'd like to see the
Cake flour on the store shelves. (YA HEAR THAT KAF?)

Now here's one for the books.........During a few months in 1992 I
attended a culinary class at a Vo Tech School. I purchased a 2 lb bag of
Fleischman's Yeast from the class chef at cost. That's what we used to do
all the baking with in class. Being I like trying new things I have
purchased the instant yeasts, the active yeasts and everything inbetween.
That bag of Fleischman's is still sitting in my freezer in a zip-lock bag.
I took it out and used it in a pizza crust dough I made last weekend. I
proofed it and it foamed and bubbled up like a volcano! How's that for
nine year old yeast?
PS>> The pizza came out great!

Happy Baking to All

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