Home Bread-Bakers v100.n005.2

Re: my sourdough isn't sour

"Alan Jackson" <ajackson@icct.net>
Wed, 12 Jan 2000 21:04:12 -0600
On Sun, 02 Jan 2000 15:59:52 -0600  Erin Nesmith wrote:
 > I am new to the list, so if this is an old topic, please send me to the
 > appropriate digest.
 > I have just made a sourdough starter using the method outlined in "More
 > Bread Machine Magic."  It included yogurt, nonfat milk, and bread

Look for the Sourdough FAQ on the web. About 5 years ago I began a starter.
On a nice clear, windy Spring day I mixed 2 cups of flour and 2 cups of water,
put them into a bowl and set it outside all day.

That evening I picked out the leaves 8-) and then let it sit for about a week.

Then I began a weekly habit of using one cup for pancakes, and feeding it 
one cup water and one cup flour. After about 4 months it settled down into 
a usable starter for bread.

I've never added yogurt or yeast or anything to it. Just flour & water.

| Alan K. Jackson            | To see a World in a Grain of Sand      |
| ajackson@icct.net          | And a Heaven in a Wild Flower,         |
| www.ajackson.org           | Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand |
| Houston, Texas             | And Eternity in an hour. - Blake       |