Home Bread-Bakers v098.n025.15

Re: Hello and paddle woes

"nszcyrek@fres.glfc.forestry.ca" <nszcyrek@fres.glfc.forestry.ca>
Tue, 24 Mar 1998 19:53:50 -0500 (EST)
I can offer a tip for you for your stuck paddle problem, one that I believe I
found on this same mailing list. Before I place the paddle on the shaft, I give
it a good spray with a non-stick vegetable oil-based spray.  The instructions on
the spray I currently have says that a 1 1/4 second spray adds only 6 calories,
and 0.8 g of fat (split evenly between mono and polysaturates).

I find this list so invaluable for tips and recipes, I have to thank all of you
for your regular contributions to this mailing list!


|  Norm Szcyrek - Systems Analyst/GIS Specialist                          |
|  Landscape Analysis and Application, Natural Resources Canada           |
|  Canadian Forest Service, Sault Sainte Marie, Ontario, Canada           |
|  email:  nszcyrek@fres.glfc.forestry.ca	                          |